• Marzo, Daniela (20/01/29): “Partizipien Perfekt und V>N-Konversion im (Alt-)Italienischen“, guest talk at the Institute of English Linguistics, University of Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (19/12/04): “Das Sardische von heute”, guest talk at the lecture Regionalsprachen in Europa: Realitäten, Identitäten, Hintergründe, University of Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland).
  • Müller, Daniela/Marzo, Daniela (19/07/02): “Who are the New Speakers of Occitan? Language biographies and personality profiles”, The Ninth Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment, Language Revitalisation: New speakers, new challenges, new linguistic forms (Cambridge, UK).
  • Marzo, Daniela (18/16/02): “Neologismen im Sardischen“, guest talk at the Sardisch-Korsischer Tag, University of Regensburg (Regensburg, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (17/01/25): “Was ist Konversion?“, guest talk at the Romanisches Seminar, University of Tübingen (Tübingen, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (17/01/18): “Zwischen produktiver Wortbildung und Erbwortschatz: ‚deverbale‘ Nomen im (Alt)Italienischen?“, guest talk at Linguistische Werkstatt, Institut für Romanistik, University of Bamberg (Bamberg, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (16/12/16): “Wie motiviert sind Ad-hoc-Metaphern (und Ad-hoc-Metonymien)?“, guest talk at the Workshop Manipulieren mit Metaphern in der Romania und anderswo, Institut für Romanistik, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria).
  • Marzo, Daniela (16/07/22): “Alcune considerazioni sul tema verbale come base formale della nomina­lizza­zione in italiano”, XXVIII Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Ro­manza, Sezione ‘Lessicologia, semantica, etimologia B’, University of Rome I (Sapienza)/Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei/Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (July 18th-23rd, 2016, Rome, Italy).
  • Marzo, Daniela (16/04/27): “Transcategoriality in Italian word-formation: some observations on the V-N domain”, Workshop on Transcategoriality/Second International Conference on Grammaticalization: Theory and Data (Gramm2), University of Rouen Normandy/Eriac (April 25th-27th, 2016, Rouen, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela (16/03/05): “Tra lessemi ‘fuori serie’ e testimoni di uno schema di nominalizzazione ‘fuori uso’: I sostantivi deverbali in –a derivati dai verbi della seconda coniugazione”, Deutscher Italianistentag 2016 (March 3rd-5th 2016, Halle, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (15/12/17): “Italian word-formation revisited: the role of the verbal stem space”, Morphology Days 2015, University of Leuven (December 17th-18th, 2015, Leuven, Belgium).
  • Marzo, Daniela (15/11/18): “On word-formation in (Old) Italian”, gust talk, University of Szeged, Department of German Studies/Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Szeged, Hungary).
  • Marzo, Daniela (15/07/06): “Und sie konvergieren doch! Beobachtungen zum Varietätenkontakt in Sardinien“, guest talk at Forschungskolloquium des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Dialekte und Sprachvariation (IZD), University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Umbreit, Birgit (14/07/02): “Abstrakte Adjektiv-Nomen-Konversion im Französischen”, Gastvortrag im Ober­seminar Aktuelle Themen der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Peter Koch and Prof. Dr. Sarah Dessì Schmid), Romanisches Seminar, University of Tübingen (Tübingen, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (14/05/24): “La conversion de thèmes en italien (ancien)”, Journée d’étude Formation lexicale et flexion dans les approches ‘Mots et Paradigmes’, Laboratoire Lexiques, Dictionnaires, Informatique (UMR 7187, University of Paris 13-Nord, CNRS, University of Cergy) and Sorbonne University Nouvelle-Paris 3, Départe­ment d’Etudes Germaniques (Paris, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela (13/07/17): “Quelques observations sur l’hypothèse de la sous-spécification catégorielle: le cas de la conversion dans les langues romanes“, XXVIIe Congrès inter­national de linguistique et de philologie romanes (July 15th– 20th, 2013, Nancy, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela (13/06/14): “La conversion de verbe à nom en italien: le cas des noms en –a dérivant des verbes de la 2ème et de la 3ème conjugaison“, guest talk at the University of Lille III, UMR 8163 Savoirs, textes, langages, Séminaire de linguistique (Lille, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Umbreit, Birgit (13/02/22): “Deadjectival nominalizations in Romance languages form a lexicalist per­spec­tive“, Workshop: Adjectives and their Nominalizations (Stuttgart, Germany).
  • Alexiadou, Artemis/Iordăchioaia, Gianina/Marzo, Daniela/Umbreit, Birgit (12/12/17): “Comparing lexicalist and syntactic insights on deadjectival nominalizations“, BCGL 7: The Morphology-Syntax Interface (December 17th-18th, 2012, Bruxelles, Belgium).
  • Marzo, Daniela (12/12/06): “On gender fixation as a criterion for the distinction of Conversion and Multi­functionality in French and Italian”, Les Décembrettes 8, University of Michel de Montaigne (December 6th, 2017, Bordeaux, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela (12/11/03): “Italian camminoN and sostaN: conversion or suffixation?“, Workshop on Con­version and Mixed Categories, Facultade de Letras at the University of Porto (November 2nd-3rd, 2012, Porto, Portugal).
  • Dessi Schmid, Sarah/Marzo, Daniela (12/02/28): “Orthographie in Standardisierungsstrategien: Sardisch und Katalanisch“, guest talk at Die geheimen Mächte hinter der Rechtschreibung. Erfahrungen im Ver­gleich, University of Mainz (February 28th29th, 2012, Mainz, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Umbreit, Birgit (11/01/26): “Konversionen im Französischen und Italienischen“, guest talk at the Ober­se­mi­nar Aktuelle Themen der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft, Uni­ver­sity of Tü­bin­gen (Prof. Dr. Johannes Kabatek and Prof. Dr. Peter Koch).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Umbreit, Birgit (10/10/02): “Conversion et absences. Une proposition pour l’analyse du changement caté­goriel sans suffixe en français“, 7. Kongress des Franko-Romanisten-Ver­ban­des (September 29th–October 2nd, 2010, Essen, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Umbreit, Birgit (10/09/08): “La conversion entre le lexique et la syntaxe“, XXVI. Congrès International de linguistique et de philologie romane (September 6th–11th, 2010, Valencia, Spain).
  • Marzo, Daniela (09/09/30): “Konvergenz und Standardisierung im Sardischen“, XXXI. Romanistentag des DRV (September 27th–October 1st, 2009, Bonn, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (09/04/20): “Wie ikonisch sind Phonästheme?“, guest talk at Studentisches Forum Lin­guistik, University of Münster (Münster, Germany).
  • Koch, Peter/Marzo, Daniela/Rube, Verena/Umbreit, Birgit (09/04/06): “Lexical Motivation in French and Italian: Results“, INTAS: Core Voca­bu­lary in a Typological Perspective: Semantic Shifts and Form-Meaning-Corre­lations (April 6th -7th, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden).
  • Marzo, Daniela (08/12/12): “Koinéisation en sarde“, guest talk at the Workshop: Daten – Me­tho­den – Minderheiten (December 12th – 13th, 2008, Tübingen, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (08/05/31): “On the interdependence of form and meaning in word transparency: evi­dence from French and Italian“, guest talk at the Workshop: Semantic Features in Derivational Morphology (SFB 731/GK 609, May 30th -31st, 2008, Stuttgart, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (08/05/15): “Mehrfach ikonische Zeichen: Zu Formen von Ikonizität im Lexikon und ihrer potentiellen Kombinierbarkeit“, 24. Forum Junge Romanistik (May 14th -17th, 2008, Tübingen, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (08/03/28): “Problèmes de méthode de la recherche en motivation lexicale: le cas de la polysémie“, guest talk at the University of Lyon II (Lyon, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela (08/03/28): “Quels paramètres faut-il respecter pour une bonne compréhension de la trans­parence lexicale“, guest talk at University of Lyon II (Lyon, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Rube, Verena./Umbreit, Birgit (08/03/20): “Lexical Motivation in French, Italian, and German – an update“, INTAS: Core Vocabulary in a Typological Perspective: Semantic Shifts and Form-Meaning-Correlations (Ferbruary 20th -21st, 2006, Paris, France).
  • Marzo, Daniela (08/03/08): “Transparenzgrade im Lexikon: Die Rolle der semantischen Relationen“, Li­mes IV (March 7th -8th, 2008, Munich, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela (07/09/04): “Standardizzazione linguistica in Sardegna e in Europa: E’ l’unione che fa la forza“, Congrès International de linguistique et de philologie romanes (September 3rd-8th, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria).
  • Marzo, Daniela (07/07/19): “What metaphor, metonymy and polysemy can tell us about scales of dia­grammatic transparency“, 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (July 15th – 20th, 2007, Krakow, Poland).
  • Marzo, Daniela (07/05/12): “What is iconic about polysemy? A contribution to research on dia­grammatic transparency“, Second International Conference of the French Cognitive Lin­guistics Association AFLICO II (May 10th -12th, 2007, Lille).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Rube, Verena/Umbreit, Birgit (17/07/02): “Lexical motivation in French, Italian and German“, INTAS-Treffen, Core Vo­ca­bulary in a Typological Perspective: Semantic Shifts and Form-Meaning-Correlations (February 17th -18th, 2007, Moscow, Russia).
  • Marzo, Daniela (06/10/07): “Motivatability: A question of right measure. Reflections on polysemy as a mo­tivational device“, Second International Conference of the German Cognitive Lin­guistics Association (October 5th – 7th, 2006, Munich, Germany).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Rube, Verena (05/09/08): “What do you think where words come from? Investigating lexical moti­va­tion empirically“, VIIth International Conference of Cognitive Modelling in Lin­guistics (September 2nd – 11th, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria).
  • Marzo, Daniela/Rube, Verena (05/07/18): “Empirische Untersuchung lexikalischer Motivation“, guest talk at the course Aspekte der Morphologie des Italienischen (Dr. Sarah Dessì Schmid), University of Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany).